The purpose of human life is not only to grow, expand and return to the source amplified as Light, but also to bless, transmit and create; or better still to co-create with your Self as the highest state of Being.
A stark contrast to the techniques advocated for personal transformation prevalent today, “alchemy” is the science of applied consciousness whereby the alchemist raises the vibration of matter into finer states or frequencies. This equates to transmutation of the usual body-mind structure which vibrates at a slower denser rate, to the greater frequencies of light as Consciousness. It implying structural and qualitative change and acknowledgement of a higher force.
The power used to effect this process corresponds to creating a focus of consciousness that reflects an ‘inner’ lucid state that we call the ‘divine” As a result of this transparent in-depth connection, to the ordinary person, the alchemist appears absent and mysterious. But this absence is not empty; it is full of inner force and is found, as a priceless jewel of revelation, in the heart of every person.
“Inner” refers to the subtle innermost reality that comes alive when the fully conscious personality blends with the voice and guidance of Soul. We call this state of being, ‘Presence’, implying full awareness of a connection with the power of spirit that is invisible to the world, but effectively tangible and concrete. It is training in applied consciousness. Inner Alchemy is inner mastery.
Our work leads you to connect with the power source that allows real transformation. It involves your conscious choice and willpower. It reveals the dynamics of your own human structure and teaches you how to administer it. It points to you and your own transformation, and in the process, the construction of a better world.
Such is the purpose of Inner Alchemy: Service.
The tremendous power of the refined focus of consciousness produces an alchemy where inner and outer reality converge in a state of constant Presence, at cause over the phenomena of the world.
Inner Alchemy leads to integration of subjective and objective aspects of self. It offers a wide perspective embracing cause and effect. While it inspires courage to stand alone (all-one) in authenticity and power, it simultaneously promotes involvement in and influence over world activities constructively, shaping the face of the future.
The study of the human energetic anatomy brings personal clarity, serenity, stability and vitality. As a member of society, it fosters insight and provides an ongoing source of alternate solutions to world problems, teaching us to perceive ‘out of the box’, while transforming at the core patterns that no longer serve us.
The principles of Inner Alchemy are universal. They serve the individual rather than the functions they perform. They promote a state of being that heightens all creative activity and applies to all persons in all walks of life.
Our teaching of Applied Consciousness is available in two training formats:
as training for members of both genders who want to live, teach and implement the principles in the world through their own professions and in their lives. These are the Teacher Training modules offered over three years in short modules, culminating in certification as practitioners and representatives of Inner Alchemy their countries and professions. Visit the Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness site to learn more.
2. as specialized training for women in the management of their own female potential. Inner Alchemy for Women is offered through a series of intensive retreats on three levels, called ‘Feminine Mysteries’, followed by optional ongoing advanced groups of research and service.
Videos for Deeper Learning
A small selection of videos to introduce you to my teachings. Feel free to browse my YouTube Channel to discover more.
Personal Focus of Consciousness
Unknown Dimensions of Mind
Dimensions of Consciousness
Reality Check