I was born to Puerto Rican parents in 1943 in New York, a city where the mixture of Caribbean, North American, and European elements is so pronounced. My Puerto Rican roots gave me Latin traditions and character, while my exposure to North American and European cultures helped to shape my intellect. Mine is a story of the second half of the twentieth century, told by a daughter of a tiny island in the Caribbean, itself undergoing the turmoil of an identity crisis: old versus new, Spanish versus North American, Christianity versus shamanic expressions. My home life too was one of contrast: ours was a Roman Catholic household, but my mother was a natural full-trance medium and my family held spiritualist rescue sessions. I studied Humanities at Puerto Rico University, but completed a BA in Romance Languages and Literature at New York University, where the beginnings of my formal search to understand the complexity of the human condition began to unfold. I went on to complete an MA in Education at NYU, which was followed by post-graduate studies in psychology and counselling at San Fernando Valley State College in California.
This was the California of the ‘60s and ‘70s, and in this environment I learnt about emerging New Age developments in exploring consciousness, which in turn led me to study Primal Therapy under Arthur Janov at the LA Primal Institute. But I always communed with the ‘invisible’. Nobody taught me the kind of devotion I have for divine light: this sense of religiousness was always private, personal, even irreverent. There was a time when I loved and wanted to be Jewish. Another, when I loved and wanted to be a Muslim. I never considered atheism. My inner drive to know God led me to travel to different countries, to meet different teachers and to learn from many traditions. The first stages of my knowledge and training took place in the United States, the UK, and then at length in India. I surrounded myself in ancient wisdom and immersed myself in multiple psychotherapies (Gestalt, psychosynthesis, basic massage, bioenergetics, energy balancing, polarity, regression, and psychic arts, among others). I learnt about world religions, meditation, and various healing methods. I explored eastern and western traditions, such as Esoteric Christianity, Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Zen, Buddhism, Sufism, Taoism, Tantra, and western philosophies. I also studied esoteric science, occultism, and parapsychology.
Then began my teaching journey. First of all, I opened a private practice in California and New York. I also co-hosted a show called Dimensions in Parapsychology for Manhattan Cable TV. I chose to teach not because I wanted to teach per se, but because I longed to share and play with others. I started what is in truth calling a person from within, seeking to remind the willing soul of the beauty that lies therein. My simple tools come from the fullness and the love I have known in the inner recesses within. My teaching combines my acquired knowledge of diverse teachings and practices with my particular personal inheritance. I developed Inner Alchemy, which is a system for experiencing the reality of Higher Consciousness not only as an avenue for inner experience, but also as a source of direct action in the world.
I founded the Inner Alchemy School of Consciousness in Brazil and then in Argentina and Paraguay.
Once I had seeded my legacy in Latin America, I followed my dream of reaching more people by expanding my activities to Europe, and settled in Spain in the mid-90s. There, I consolidated my line of work and continued to develop my own methods of meditation and self-knowledge. I have now spent almost four decades of my life dedicated to teaching, writing, trainings, workshops, and conferences. Thanks to so many students, I have learned about myself and the magic of becoming. My life, and whatever I can offer you, are a tribute to all those whose love and trust constantly remind me what a privilege it is to teach and learn. The purpose of all of this has always been to advocate for personal transformation as a way of securing social and world change, while training others to master the path of Inner Alchemy.
The Setting for my Life’s Work
External Influences
Cultural trends shape us. Our social and economic status determines lifelong views, as do the values of our parents, gender, race and religion. Our social system and world events influence our actions.
Four generations of women
Mine is a story of the second half of the twentieth century, told by a daughter of a tiny island in the Caribbean who was undergoing the turmoil of an identity crisis. Raised in American schools under the social etiquette of somewhat dated XIXth Century Spanish principles, the ‘señorita´ in me faced internecine conflicts of old values versus new North American beliefs, and Christian principles versus shamanic earth callings. One side of me not quite easy with the other. Everything I did and thought had to be compartmentalized.
My particular life task never seemed as difficult at the time as it sounds now as I write about it. I would be geared to unite, to restore and renew, to teach and to be an example of something beyond all the clamour and divisions that had defined my life.
I was born in 1943 in the midst of World War II. I was a baby when atom bombs were being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Nuremberg Tribunal was taking place. In those years, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated, something that didn’t affect me until later when I sought refuge in his philosophy for a very short while. Apartheid was introduced in South Africa, reinforced by racism in my own country. Add to that the Cold War climate that seemed to last forever, and the upsurge of fear and mass paranoia that only grew and grew. Unknown to me at the time, these were the influences that would damage the nervous system of my entire generation, implanting codes of despair and impotence deep within.
I was sixteen when the Dalai Lama fled Tibet. I remember that in the same year we were vacationing in Havana and our family had to flee in a matter of hours, Fidel headed towards the capital from Oriente. For an adolescent who was not quite yet matured, the tension I experienced was tantamount to Anne Frank’s plight before the Nazi’s.
I was twenty and attending class at the university when the halls were suddenly filled with dumbfounded students parading aimlessly and blaring radio transmissions everywhere. JFK had been assassinated, unleashing global fear and uncertainty. ‘What do we do now?’, was in everyone’s mind. Then it was the plight of Nelson Mandela in prison that shook us deeper into an inner shrivelling of insecurity. But with this came the inspiration of the actions he took when he was released. It was a momentary shot of hopefulness, had it not been laced with the simultaneous revindication of yet another assassination, this time that of Martin Luther King, Jr.
With Daskalos
I was already a mother when Woodstock occurred and Greenpeace and the Peace Corps was conceived. Maybe, we hoped, we could change the world after all? But, it was also a time of Black Panthers and civil unrest. My step-father was a Commissioner for Human Rights in New York City and small groups of people armed themselves to the teeth. Even my mother learned to shoot a gun! I fancied myself joining them, had it not been for my mother’s vehement intervention. I left for India a few years later and the inner revolution instead.
Meanwhile drugs devastated a whole generation that was saturated by ugliness, and we lost many friends whose minds turned to butter with LSD. Then the Aids virus exploded in a society (ours) that had prided itself in free transparent, affectionate love relationships, and that was the end of that.
In 1989, just before returning from a decade in India and developing the Inner Alchemy system that would become my trademark, the Berlin Wall fell and two years later the Soviet Union collapsed. The atmosphere was heating and it was a lot more than global warming.
My sixties saw the shattering of the Twin Towers that marked a distinct ‘before and after’. Nothing would be the same. So too for the bombings in Madrid and London. Al Qaeda and the ominously soft-spoken Bin Laden à la par with the parallel motions of the US and its allies foresaw innumerable wars that would condition the emotional stability of the entire world.
For the first time in history an Afro-American came to occupy the presidency of the United States, bringing a breath of fresh air. We were convinced then that we really could change the world. But… there would be no reprieve.
In Jerusalem
As difficult and painful as it was, the circumstances of the second half of the XXth Century forged my spirit and strengthened my intent to do something, no matter how little, to change the world. Unable to affect the world surrounding me, I turned to the inner terrain of consciousness, legacy of my mother and her side of the family.
There is a tension, a rebelliousness, an originality and tenacity that persists in my generation of baby boomers, born to break rules and set new trends, upset financial systems, discover new horizons and open unprecedented frontiers in space, medicine and technology. Janis Joplin, Vangelis, and Jean Claude Killy all were born in 1943, together with Mick Jagger, Johnny Hallyday, Jim Morrison, and Robert de Niro.
Once the lower astral doors were blasted open in the late thirties leading to World War II, superstition and logic intermingled, culminating in the Cold War years that foreshadowed the tensions and psychic control issues of today. Those doors are still open and the very same forces loosened at the time still control our world. The apparent inoffensiveness of the “spiritual” or “Aquarian” New Age that heralds the coming of the Light contains shadows at the core. Old world teachers and occultists are reborn in this setting. I should know!
The pressures and subterfuges of the last century weigh heavily on our psyches and each of us has responded in different but similar ways becoming somewhat of a misfit in our culture. Our generation blatantly tore off masks but also ripped the casing of the precious values of people like Nikola Tesla, Camille Claudel and Beatrix Potter who died the very same year we were born. It spelled a call to action that many did not know how to take.
Inner Climate
Even before I could speak, I learned to focus and invite the natural world into my awareness. It would not be easy. Impressions of light and movement coloured my sensitivity. I was at odds with the “real world” and with the myriad unseen factors that impressed themselves upon a child’s tender psyche. I saw beyond the senses and couldn’t understand how a person could be so beautiful and not know it. I always wanted to share my perception hoping that others would see what I saw. So, I went into the teaching profession. My life, and whatever I can offer today is a tribute to all those whose love and trust allowed me to share and teach what I am, and most importantly I thank each and every one of them for teaching me about themselves. I can say that I learned to be an earthling through them.
What many people don’t know about my life is just how difficult it was to be the daughter of a full-trance medium. Sharing some aspects of her sensibility, with her I learned directly and effortlessly since childhood, about the subtle backdrop of life in all its levels. Little did I know it was training me for my future work.
With my Mother
When my mom incorporated, the energy in the room would change completely and I would ‘lose’ her. It frightened me, depriving me of maternal holding-power and female protection, and provoking a sense of insecurity. I eventually came to recognise “who” or “what” was there by the quality of the frequencies emanating from her.
This is what I perceived, something I would observe time and again in later years when a person loses sight of themselves and relinquishes their inner power. The person then becomes an instrument of another intelligence, in the best of cases sublime spirits of light, but most often ordinary entities or thought-forms of mid to lower-frequencies. Her case was a bit different in that her mediumship occurred in a safe environment appropriately prepared. I saw her body enfolded within a gauze-like globe. This would puff up in the beginning of a transmission, and then drain out of her once it was over. When she was about to “receive” she became very, very still. In time I could detect her going somewhere off at an angle, in a state of blissful suspense disconnected from what was going on through her. In those moments of in-between realities her breathing changed, as would the timbre of her voice. Her eyes were open but they were not hers; they became darker than usual and glowing with an unknown light.
The gatherings at our family houses where my mother, uncles and aunts met to hold ‘services’ of incorporation and rescue, allied with helpers from ‘the other side’, were sacrosanct. They were considered a service of love, and this established a precedent for me for the rest of my life: to consider our human faculties and powers as instruments of help and guidance to others. Our family actually sat together, making themselves available in order to receive instruction and serve. The atmosphere was always carefully prepared before and after the services, where all precautions were taken and spiritual protection invoked. This impressed me with a careful system of diagnosis and evaluation that I use today in all spiritual work.
Between the ages of 7 to 16 I was present at many such meetings, all the while learning how to perceive the surrounding subtle world and to discriminate. I didn’t see with my sight; I learned to see with my sensibility in a state of diffuse awareness. I learned to know without words as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The keen sensibility that I developed then is what allows me to teach correct perception of energy frequency today.
When my mother finally set out to take control over her life, she decided to stop the transmissions. It took her a while. She focussed her mind, breathed deeply and eventually shut out the indiscriminate access that had marked her since adolescence. She did this through sheer force of will, focus, and energy mastery. I admired her tremendously. I was a grown woman by then and followed her footsteps, promoting discernment in my students, and teaching mastery over human faculties to anyone who cares to listen.
Curriculum Vitae
- Humanities at the University of Puerto Rico.
- B.A. from New York University (NYU), Washington Square College. Comparative Literature, Romance Languages.
- M.A. from the Graduate School of Education, NYU
- Post-Graduate studies in psychology and counselling from San Fernando Valley State College, California.
Training in Alternative Methods
- Psychotherapy: Primal Therapy, Gestalt, Psychosynthesis, Massage, Bioenergetics, Energy Balancing, Polarity, Regression
- World religions: Esoteric Christianity, Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Zen, Buddhism, Sufism, Taoism, Tantra. Esoteric science, occultism and parapsychology.
Creator of the Inner Alchemy concept of self-development and applied consciousness. Founder of the School of Consciousness, specializing in two teaching formats of Inner Alchemy: (1) Teacher Training for men and women from all professions, and (2) Intensive Women’s Training retreats (Feminine Mysteries).
Professional History
1967-1970 – The Primal Institute of Los Angeles. Trainee under Dr. Arthur Janov.
1970-1973 – Private Primal Therapy practice in London, U.K.
1973-1982 –India. Lecturer, Group leader, Teacher for ISABS and Tata Management Training Centre. Meditation and oriental philosophy researcher.
1982-1987 – Private Practice, California and New York. Co-hostess of “Dimensions in Parapsychology” for New York City’s Manhattan Cable TV, a New York cable television programme consisting of dialogues with world-known researchers, writers, parapsychologists and artists in all fields of human endeavour. Onset of the Inner Alchemy School in New York.
1987-1994 – Lectures, seminars, conferences, workshops and training programs in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Paraguay. The founding and expansion of the Centre for Inner Alchemy in São Paulo, Brazil.
1989-2000 – Founding of The Inner Alchemy University of Consciousness (U.N.I.C.A.) in São Paulo, Brazil, with training in five disciplines: philosophy, the psychology of consciousness, human energetic systems, meditation, and human relations.
1994 – Beginning of the expansion of the School of Consciousness to the European continent with the publication of the Inner Alchemy books in Europe. Workshops, seminars, trainings, international congresses.
2000 – The emergence of the Inner Alchemy Centre in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
2005 – 2014 – Spiritual coaching, tutorials, intensive individual and group training programmes with multi-lingual groups. Conferences and retreats. Mallorca.
2011 – Publication of “The Inner Woman” / “La Mujer Interior” (Spain)/ “La Inteligencia Femenina” (Mexico) with focus on Inner Alchemy training for women.
2014-2020 – Expansion of Inner Alchemy in South America: Argentina, Paraguay, and continuing work in Brazil.
2020-2021 – The opening of the Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness with intensive, concentrated Teacher Training programmes leading to practitioner and fully-certified professionals in Inner Alchemy. Parallel training programmes for women in the Inner Alchemy for Women specialisation.